Tiếng Việt

Investco Corporation

Investco Corporation


Real Estate


The country development programme does not only require technical level and designing skills but also the system of new views on life. Sticking to those above ideas, Investco hopes to bring our knowledge and experience to the opening a new way of establishing the infrastructure, building industrial centers and modern urban areas as well as improving life values. 

All of our projects aim to serve and bring convenience to human life. Moreover, our architects strive to be in harmony with the planet and friendly to the environment. Investco wishes to bring clients green fresh living environment of a civilized city.



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Complex Building Residential Areas Ecotourism Resort Civil Engineering

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  logo-BanyanTree CP_Vietnam cpg_corporation_logo lHazama nghison_logo_vn estella cggif 200921215409718isuzu_logo CP_Vietnam cpg_corporation_logo lHazama nghison_logo_vn estellalogo-BanyanTree cggif 200921215409718isuzu_logo CP_Vietnam cpg_corporation_logo lHazama nghison_logo_vn logo-BanyanTreeestella cggif 200921215409718isuzu_logo CP_Vietnam cpg_corporation_logo lHazama nghison_logo_vn cggifestella 200921215409718isuzu_logo CP_Vietnam cpg_corporation_logologo-BanyanTree lHazama nghison_logo_vn cggif 200921215409718isuzu_logoestellalogo-BanyanTree