Nows the time to buy houses
( Monday, 10 May 2010 )
Now is a perfect time for home buyers to purchase property as prices are unlikely to drop further and lending interest rates have begun to fall, realtors say.
A place of their own
( Tuesday, 27 April 2010 )
Social housing projects are now underway and people for whom owning a house is almost a dream are now in a much better position.
Major power projects go on line
( Wednesday, 21 April 2010 )
CAN THO A major transmission line and transformer station costing US$81 million have finally come on line to improve connection between the southwest power system and the national grid
Investco corporation - New foreign partner
( Monday, 19 April 2010 )
Through information exchange and contacts, a top delegation of Susca, Dorsch, Gruppe and Menhardt from Dubai, UAE came to visit Investco from 30th March to 2nd April. (Delegation includes leaders and their experts)
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