Tiếng Việt

Investco Corporation

Investco Corporation


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Construction - Real Estate


HCM City lures foreign investors ( Tuesday, 09 March 2010 ) HCM City has granted investment licences to 39 new foreign direct investment projects capitalised at a total investment capital of US$333.4 million and five with additional investment capital, according to Lu Thanh Phong, vice director of the city's Department for Planning and Investment. Read more...
Tentative signs of Vietnam real estate recovery as developers seek to tempt back foreign investors ( Tuesday, 02 March 2010 ) After a bleak past two years during the global economic downturn the Vietnam real estate market needs foreign investment to recover, it is claimed. Read more...
H?ND H N?i: Thng qua khung gi ??t n?m 2010 ( Saturday, 12 December 2009 ) Khung gi ??t 2010 ???c H?ND TP H N?i thng qua sng ngy 11/12/2009 gip ng??i dn b? thu h?i ??t ???c b?i th??ng cao h?n, song c?ng c ki?n cho r?ng, ?? khung gi ??t th?c s? st v?i th? tr??ng c?n c l? trnh nh?t ??nh. Read more...
3 tr??ng h?p c?p gi?y nh ??t m?i ( Wednesday, 18 November 2009 ) Ngy 17-11, B? Ti nguyn - mi tr??ng ? tri?n khai cc quy ??nh v? c?p gi?y ch?ng nh?n quy?n s? d?ng ??t v quy?n s? h?u ti s?n trn ??t (gi?y ch?ng nh?n) t?i TP.HCM. Read more...
Gi thu m?t b?ng bn l? t?i Vi?t Nam: ?n ??nh ? m?c cao ( Monday, 02 November 2009 ) Trong khi cao ?c v?n phng, c?n h?, nh cho thu ?ang trong tnh tr?ng ? hng th th? ph?n m?t b?ng cho ngnh bn l? v?n thi?u. ? l l do v sao c?n sng th?n khi?n gi h?u h?t cc b?t ??ng s?n (B?S) ??u s?t gi?m tr?m tr?ng nh?ng gi cho thu m?t b?ng bn l? t?i Vi?t Nam v?n ?n ??nh ? m?c cao. Read more...
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